Gëlle Fra – Monument of Remembrance (Monument du souvenir)National Library of Luxembourg & Notre-Dame Cathedral (Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg & Kathedral Notre-Dame)Notre-Dame Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame)Luxembourg City Hall (Hôtel de Ville de Luxembourg)Place Guillaume II – Equestrian statue of of Grand Duke William IIGuard in front of the Grand Ducal Palace (Palais grand-ducal)Rue du CuréCercle Municipal (Cercle-Cité )Dicks-Lentz monumentGarden with the flags of Luxembourg and the European Union over the Vallée de la PétrusseAdolphe Bridge (Adolphe-Bréck)Adolphe Bridge (Adolphe-Bréck)Trinity Church (Dräifaltegkeetskierch)The Grand Duchess Charlotte Monument at the Place ClairefontaineGrund districtJohanneskirche & Neumünster AbbeySite of Sigefroi Chateau – Origin of City of LuxembourgThe Bock fortificationsPont du châteauA millennium from the foundationRuins of the fortification wallsNeumünster Abbey & Johanneskirche‘Hollow tooth’ (‘Huelen Zant’)KirchbergSaint Michael’s Church (Église Saint-Michel)Old streetSlopeOld Bridge – Luxembourg Viaduct (Passerelle)Adolphe Bridge – view from belowMetz Square – State Saving Bank, former headquarters of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community in Luxembourg & (Place de Metz – BCEE – Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État)Place de la Constitution, Vallée de la Pétrusse & BCEECannon in Petrusse Casemates (Petrusskasematten)ARBED headquarters (Aciéries Réunies de Burbach-Eich-Dudelange)Luxembourg railway stationHôtel des Postes